{Your Desires Are Important} March Akashic & Astrology Forecast | Kacy Danae

Kacy and Meg are back to share the March’s Akashic and Astrological forecast so you can ride the cosmic waves with ease, grace and little cha cha.

Kacy shares so much easy to digest and practical info and as usual, the Akashic records are super aligned.

They go over:

-Why your devotional practices are non-negotiable right now.

-How March is a big month due to outer planet movement, making both internal and external shifts in our lives.

-March 7th: Saturn shifting from Aquarius to Pisces - We can either deal in the confusion of the world or the clarity of who we are outside our humanness.

-March 7th: Full Moon in Virgo - let yourself open up to certain changes. Recognize that what you want or what you are upset about are within your power to change.

-Making time to accept and be with where you are right now.

-March 12: Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries - touching on the collective wounded space.

-Cutting out distractions and making room for the miracles you’ve been calling in.

-Venus moves into Taurus. A time to be centering in your values around your stability and what comfort means to you.

-Building a home of trust within yourself.

-March 21st: New Moon in Aries 0 degrees - asking you to listen to your intuition, especially leading up to this moon.

-March 23rd: Pluto moves into Aquarius - A reclamation of power in the individual. And through that individual, is the power of influence.



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