{Did You Order A Breakthrough?} January Astrology & Akashic Forecast | Kacy Danae

Welcome to the FIRST Akashic and Astrology forecast of 2023. Your breakthrough is here! It is available to you. Welcome to 2023! We made it! Look at us, we’ve done it. 

If the last year was quite the play on your resiliency, mental, and emotional health, you are not alone! This month we’re starting the year off with a bang. There’s a huge amount of opportunity to have that breakthrough. To cut the cords from the bullshit that’s been holding you back. 

The astrology is on your side to evolve out of what has been, and this month will provide you to have the breakthrough you’ve been praying, wishing, and hoping for. This does not mean it will all be sunshine and rainbows - there will be some pre-requisite work.

Massive change comes from taking lots of baby steps, and breakthroughs come when we are ready and willing to have them. 

This month we go over:

-Being mindful of our resources, and who we’re surrounded by.

-The beginning of Aquarius season.

-January 2nd - Venus moves into Aquarius. A time of vulnerability, accepting both in yourself and relationships what you authentically want.

-Receiving acceptance for what is real and authentic to you.

-January 4th - Venus Sextiles Jupiter. A good time to start something that you want to see results on - budgeting, launches, or having a difficult conversation.

-January 6th - Full Moon in Cancer. Purging emotional stores from the year. Where have you not been taking care of yourself and over extending? Stay home and tend to your own needs.

-Cutting cords with past versions of yourself, or with others in your life that have too much access to you.

-Hidden messages coming through. An offhand comment that’s important to hear.

-Lilith moves into Leo. Important for business - express yourself and take up space.

-January 12th - Mars Direct. A good time to start having forward momentum.

-Preparing for space and transformation. Being grounded in your body and plugging into earth and the divine.

-Edging out the ego.

-January 21st - New Moon in Aquarius. This brings up a bitterness or resentment about how you are. Let that out or else you won’t have the motivation and courage to change it.

-The mistake of thinking we are all alone in our pain and suffering.

-January 22nd - Uranus Direct. Spiritual breakthroughs. A moment of freeing yourself.

-January 26th - Venus in Pisces. Either all the running away, binging, psychic garbage; or a clear open channel or inspiration, artistic creativity, or fresh flowing energy.


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How to Start Your Successful AF Soul Podcast - Starts January 15



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